Workflow Integration | Information Organization and Design

Project Overview
Click here to access the flowchart
The AIS IDU Flowchart was created to help Atlanta International School (AIS) meet accreditation standards by giving teachers a clear and simple process for planning, implementing, and evaluating interdisciplinary units (IDU). Built using the ADDIE model, it tackled gaps in training, organization, and communication by breaking the process into 8 easy-to-follow phases with linked resources for quick access.
Teachers at AIS struggled to complete the required number of IDUs due to a lack of consistent training, scattered resources, and unclear process steps. These challenges made meeting accreditation requirements difficult.
In collaboration with the IDU subject matter expert, I designed a straightforward 8-phase workflow. It organized tasks into simple steps with accompanying resources at each step, and combined all necessary materials into a digital, hyperlinked PDF that teachers could use anytime. This job aid made the IDU process easier and ensured AIS met its accreditation goals.
Instructional Design
Audience Analysis
Scope Development
Graphic Design
Collaborating with Subject Matter Experts
Instructional Design
Content Development and Organization
Project Management