Workflow Integration | Information Organization and Design

Project Overview

Click here to access the flowchart

The AIS IDU Flowchart was created to help Atlanta International School (AIS) meet accreditation standards by giving teachers a clear and simple process for planning, implementing, and evaluating interdisciplinary units (IDU). Built using the ADDIE model, it tackled gaps in training, organization, and communication by breaking the process into 8 easy-to-follow phases with linked resources for quick access.


Teachers at AIS struggled to complete the required number of IDUs due to a lack of consistent training, scattered resources, and unclear process steps. These challenges made meeting accreditation requirements difficult.


In collaboration with the IDU subject matter expert, I designed a straightforward 8-phase workflow. It organized tasks into simple steps with accompanying resources at each step, and combined all necessary materials into a digital, hyperlinked PDF that teachers could use anytime. This job aid made the IDU process easier and ensured AIS met its accreditation goals.


  • Instructional Design

  • Audience Analysis

  • Scope Development

  • Graphic Design

  • Copywriting

  • Collaborating with Subject Matter Experts


  • Canva


  • Instructional Design

  • Content Development and Organization

  • Project Management


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